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Users management menu is available for django staff and entities admins only.


Swordphish users management has been built to allow collaboration within the same team of users.

Visibility can be organised using entities and regions. Regions are sub parts of entities, and you can create them to fit your organisation.

For example, if your structure is composed of retail banks and investment banks, you can create two entities 'Retail' and 'Investment' then create sub-regions for every country, like Retail France, Retail Germany, Investment UK, Investment Asia...

If a user is positioned as admin in an entity, he will be able to create users accounts and position them in his regions or entities. He will also see every campaign created in his entities and regions by every user.

If you position several users in the same region they will be able to see each others targets lists, templates and campaigns.


Users interface displays the different users accounts already existing in Swordphish with a filter based on mail address.


User creation is kinda straightforward, after having filled the form, a mail will automatically be sent to the user with a temporary password that need to be changed at the first connection.



Entities interface displays the different existing entities


and also creation menu and admin management.



Regions interface is quite the same


except that you have to choose the entity to attach to when creating organised
